Here are some pictures of El Salvador...I'm still figuring this out, so I'll give descriptions some other time.
So I'm supposed to put a disclaimer on this bad boy. Everything written here is my own personal opinion based on my own experiences. In no way does it reflect any official or unofficial view held by Peace Corps. Yadda Yadda Yadda
Great form with the cow.
Wow just managed to get caught up on the blog. Looks like a ton of work but a ton of fun as well.
How low can you go?
Great to read all of the updates and will try to make it a routine.
Dawn says hi.
i was going to write something inappropriate, but im sure you already know what it is. miss you buddy.
Great pictures, Michael. The views are spectacular. I must say that cow was generous to you--maybe it was too hot to care. I don't see much sign of rain. Anxious to hear about your assignment--coming soon, no! Take care. Betty
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