Monday, August 27, 2007

I have arrived

So I just read that for security reasons we are not supposed to make public knowledge where our sites are located. I think I probably wrote it in a prior entry, but in any case, I will give you all the English translation. I live in the club of the savior. Club as in stick, not club as in discotec, but I really prefer to think of myself living in Jesus Christ´s nightclub. And as you might imagine, it`s not that flashy, considering Jesus was a minimalist and all. What makes all this even more fun to write is the fact I`m sitting in a pretty large internet cafe that has been taken over by about 10 Mormon missionaries. I'm just dying to get the opportunity to reply to their questions about whether or not I've accepted Jesus Christ into my life with the response 'I've done more than that...I'm living in his freakin club.'

I've been in my site now for a little over a week. Really, I've just spent my time hanging out, preparing my house, and getting to know people (also a lot of reading and listening to music in the hammock). My house is pretty nice. I have electricity, an outdoor shower, and a latrine that is cockroach free.

The people in my site are incredible. Everyone is full of 'chispa' (chispa means spark and is used to refer to someone with a lot of personality.) There is soccer played every evening...some days are formal trainings with the town team (which I am a part of) and other days it is just open to anyone. Currently I'm out of commission for a bit with a sprained ankle, but I plan on making a triumphant return in a week or so.

I think that's about all the writing I have in me today. I slept horribly last night, and am kind of dragging today. However, I bought a thumb drive or whatever those things are called, so I can now write entries on my computer at home and just upload them here...hopefully that will mean more frequent and better blog entries. Hopefully. Love to everyone.


Isaac said...

Ankle injury? Get over it Beckham.

Mark said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mark said...

oops--not sure what happened that my last comment got deleted....

anyway, glad to hear you're settling in there. electricity, a shower, and a roach-free latrine sounds pretty posh....

Unknown said...

You could open a bed and breakfast!!