Sunday, May 13, 2007

So It Begins... or The Reluctant Blogger

I am beginning my 27 month stint in the Peace Corps on June 3rd. I will be in DC from the 3rd until the 5th, and then in El Salvador for a little over two years. I have started this blog to record my thoughts/experiences. This way, rather than inundating your mailboxes with impersonal mass emails you can decide for yourselves if you are interested in my stories.

I don't know why, but I am very reluctant to have a "blog" (as shown by my need to put quotation marks around the word). Anyways, this is an experiment with a decent chance of failure. I have no idea what sort of internet access I will have in El Salvador or what sort of personal drive I will have to update my blog. If this blog does fail or if you just want to hear from me a little more often, please email me and I will respond.