Friday, July 20, 2007

El Futbolista pt. 2

So I wasn't planning on writing another blog entry until I got back from the beach, but after last nights performance on the canchita (little field), I decided I had to update. After a decent first half, we were only down 5-3--I had a goal and an assist and hit the post twice. The second half began with the other team scoring two quick goals, and I immediately thought 'here we go again.' But we came back with two quick goals of our own cutting the deficit back down to two. By now, I've become a marked man in the tournament, so I was having trouble making things happen, but I did manage a few Maradonna's (non-soccer players won't know what I'm referring to, but it's a pretty basic move that looks flashy) and they were all greeted with 'Ole' from the fans. Finally, I put in a nice volley with my left bringing us within one. On the ensuing kickoff, I stole the ball and quickly fired home a shot from deep. Not even 30 seconds later, the ref blew the whistle marking the end of the game and our first non-loss. I have never seen a tie celebrated so enthusiastically in my life. Once again, I'm a celebrity...and this time I'm letting it go to my head.

On a lesser note, I have a rash. Which reminds me of a line from my favorite movie which goes 'Man, I got a rash.' The first person to tell me who said this, what movie, and what scene in the movie will get a letter from yours truly. (I'm expecting either Zack, Isaac, or Mark to get this one). Just leave a comment on the blog with your answer.


Mark said...

please...the big lebowski...he's in the limo on his way back from maude's talking to the driver about how sometimes you just can't let all the bad things in life get you down.

you may be a soccer stud, but you're going to have to do better than that to stump me.

Mark said...

...and i hate to nitpick, but i believe the line is "i got a rash, man" not "man, i got a rash." just saying.

Kevin said...

A very funny man once told me that "If it weren't for old movies , he would be completely silent." That was, of course, Grandpa Hans. Good catch Mark! "Sometimes the magic works...sometimes it doesn't." I don't suppose either of you movie quote afficianados (note the Spanish Michael!) would know the movie, actor or scene that line comes from? Have fun!
Uncle Kevin

Unknown said...

I KNOW! But I'm not telling. the Mom

Isaac said...

i think we're avoiding the more important matter at hand, you have a rash!?!

i'm sure it is nothing, but don't let it linger, trust me i know from experience...i mean...i've heard that from other people

mel in el said...

haha...worry not, we get amazing medical service here, and it is all clear